This Privacy Policy describes the privacy practices of Kayo Sports, LLC and its subsidiaries including but not limited to NeuLion, LLC (and its subsidiaries including but not limited to MainConcept GmbH and MainConcept LLC) as well as Dice Technology Ltd. and its subsidiaries (“Kayo Sports,” “we,” “us” and/or “our”) in connection with our websites, web applications and mobile applications that we offer directly to individuals (collectively, the “Online Services” or the “Services”). This Privacy Policy explains the types of personal information we collect, how we may use and share the data, and the privacy choices that you have with respect to our handling of personal information about you.

If you are located in the European Union, Switzerland, Iceland, Norway, or Liechtenstein, please read our European Privacy Policy.

Who We Are

Kayo Sports is the host and provider of video streaming content produced by our clients and customers (“Content Providers”). We are also part of Kayo Sports Group Holdings and share data with its affiliated entities (“Kayo Sports”).  If you would like a list of relevant entities, please submit an information request to the Privacy Team using the contact information below.

Like any company, we use a variety of third party businesses and partners to market and provide our Services to you. Some of those companies are part of Kayo Sports and some are third parties that we partner with or support our operations so we can provide the best experience to you.

Content Providers

Kayo Sports is the platform behind a variety of popular entertainment content.

In connection with providing the Online Services, we also share some of your personal information with any Content Provider whose content you view, or otherwise interact with. For information on how our Content Providers use data, please review the privacy policy of the appropriate Content Provider.

How We Collect Information

We collect personal information from various sources, including:

  • Directly from you, at your direction or with your consent
  • From companies that use our products and services, including to host and display content
  • From our vendors and business partners
  • Automatically, from devices that you use to connect with our Online Services

Types of Information We Collect

The types of personal information we collect include:

  • Contact information, such as name, email address, postal address, and phone number
  • Demographic information, such as date of birth, gender, and postal code
  • Username and password for any account you may create with us
  • Usage information, such as which content you view, start and stop times, when you view content, and similar information
  • Payment or billing information
  • Geolocation information
  • Any information you choose to provide in connection with your use of the Online Services

Further information about the information we collect and how we use that information is set forth in the table below.

Information We Collect and How We Use It

Categories of Personal Information Collected Categories of Sources From Which Personal Information is Collected Business or Commercial Purposes for Collection, Use, and Sharing Categories of Third Parties with Whom Some or All of the Personal May Be Shared
Personal and online identifiers (such as first and last name, email address, phone number, usernames, or unique online identifiers) Directly from you Content providers To provide and Improve the Services Personalization of the Services Customer support Marketing and targeted advertising Security and fraud prevention Customer service partners Content providers Ad networks Kayo Sports Analytics services
Financial Account Information (such as credit card numbers, bank account information, Paypal account information) Directly from you Payment processors To provide the Services
To sell you subscriptions or content
Payment processors
Fraud and cybersecurity companies
Kayo Sports
Customer Profile Information (such as age range and ad demographics) Directly from you Content Provider To provide and improve the Services Personalization of the Services
Direct marketing
Targeted advertising Analytics
Research and development Security and fraud prevention
Kayo Sports
Analytics services
Ad networks
Technology service providers Content providers
Transactional Information Directly from you To Provide and Improve the Services Customer Support
Research and Development
Kayo Sports
Analytics services
Technology service providers Content providers
Communications with you (such as customer support messages, emails, social media posts) Directly from you Customer support partners To Provide and improve the Services
Customer Support
Kayo Sports
Analytics services
Technology service providers Customer service partners Content providers
Online Activity Information (such as browsing history, search history, interactions with a website, email, application, or advertisement) Directly from You Cookies and similar technologies To Provide and improve the Services Personalization of the Services
Direct marketing Targeted advertising
Kayo Sports
Technology service providers Analytics services
Ad networks
Content providers
Non-Precise Geolocation Information (such as zip or area code, state, country) Directly from you Cookies and similar technologies Technology service providers Ad networks To Provide and improve the Services to you Personalization of the Services
Fraud and cybersecurity
Direct marketing Targeted advertising
Kayo Sports affiliates
Ad networks
Technology service providers Content providers
Precise Geolocation Information (such as home address or GPS data) Directly from you Ad networks
Third party data providers
To Provide and improve the Services to You Targeted Advertising Kayo Sports Affiliates
Ad networks
Technology service providers
Inferences drawn from the above information about your predicted characteristics and preferences Kayo Sports
Content providers
To Provide and improve the Services Personalization of the Services
Direct marketing Targeted advertising Analytics
Kayo Sports
Ad networks
Content providers
Technology service providers Analytics companies
Other information about you that is linked to the personal information above Directly from you Kayo Sports To Provide and improve the Services Personalization of the Services Kayo Sports
Content providers
Ad networks
Marketing sponsors

We may also use the information we have about you

  • as necessary if we believe there has been a breach of the Terms of Use or the rights of any third party, or
  • to comply with legal and/or regulatory requirements.

We combine information we receive from other sources with information you give to us and information we collect about you. We use this combined information for the purposes set out above.

We also aggregate and anonymize any personal information that we collect in connection with our Online Services, such that the information is no longer personally identifiable or attributable to you. We use such aggregated and anonymized information for our own legitimate business purposes.

Location Data

We may collect general location information or more specific location information from you. General information, such as your country or postal code, is used for a variety of reasons, such as determining which country you reside in so we can determine whether we have the rights to show certain content to you or if we need to assess local taxes. This also helps personalize the Online Services so we show you relevant content, including ads.

In limited situations, we use more specific location information in order to show you ads personalized to you and your interests. For instance, if you attend an event of one of our Content Providers, we may use associated, more specific location information provided by you or third party data providers in order to tailor content and advertisements based on your attendance.

Please note that we operate the Online Services on behalf of Content Providers, whose privacy policies address data collection and use in connection with the specific application and content you are using. Please review the applicable privacy policy of the specific application you are using to determine whether and how Content Providers may collect or use location data.

Many apps and mobile operating systems allow you to limit the collection of location data from your mobile devices. Please review your app and phone settings for more information.

Cookies And Advertising

We, our affiliates, our service providers, and our business partners also collect certain information about the use of our Online Services by automated means, such as cookies, web beacons, pixels, and other technologies.

We and our service providers and business partners collect information about website users’ online activities over time and across third-party websites. Because there is not yet a consensus on how companies should respond to web browser-based do-not-track (“DNT”) mechanisms, we do not respond to web browser-based DNT signals at this time.

The information that may be collected by automated means includes:

  • URLs that refer users to our Online Services
  • Search terms used to reach our Online Services
  • Details about the devices that are used to access our Online Services (such as IP address, browser type, and operating system information)
  • Details about users’ interaction with our Online Services (such as the date, time, frequency, and length of visits, and specific pages accessed during the visits)

Web browsers may offer users of our Online Services the ability to disable receiving certain types of cookies; however, if cookies are disabled, some features or functionality of our Online Services may not function correctly. To support and enhance the Online Services, we may serve advertisements, and also allow third parties to serve advertisements, through the Services. These advertisements are sometimes targeted and served to particular users and may come from third party companies called “ad networks.” Ad networks include third party ad servers, ad agencies, ad technology vendors and research firms. We are not responsible for the privacy practices of these ad networks and other parties, although you have choices about those practices as described below. Advertisements served through the Online Services may be targeted to users who fit a certain general profile category, which may be inferred from information you provide to us or based on your Services usage patterns. We do not separately provide any personal information to ad networks, beyond cookie data that they may collect in connection with the Online Services. To learn more about ad networks and to adjust your preferences, please click here.

Some of the ad networks and our business partners that collect information about your activities on our Online Services may be members of organizations or programs that provide you with choices regarding the use of your browsing behavior for purposes of targeted advertising. For example, you may opt out of receiving targeted advertising on websites from members of the Network Advertising Initiative by clicking here or the Digital Advertising Alliance by clicking here. European users may opt out of receiving targeted advertising on websites through members of the European Interactive Digital Advertising Alliance by clicking here, selecting your country, and then clicking “Choices” (or similarly titled link). Mobile app users may opt out of receiving targeted advertising in mobile apps through members of the Digital Advertising Alliance by installing the AppChoices mobile app, available here, and selecting your choices.

For more information on how Kayo Sports uses cookies, please click here.

How We Share Your Information

We share data with third parties, including Content Providers and Kayo Sports, and the other categories of partners as listed above. Some of this sharing may  constitute a sale of data under some data privacy laws. Accordingly, we offer the option for you to opt out of the sale of your personal information, as further set forth below.

We may also disclose your personal information to third parties:

  • If we enter into negotiations to buy, sell, or merge some or all of our business or assets, or if we enter into bankruptcy, reorganization, or receivership, in which case we may disclose your personal information to the prospective or eventual seller or buyer of such business or assets;
  • If we are under a duty to disclose or share your personal information in order to comply with any legal obligation, or in the event of an emergency, or in order to enforce or apply our Terms of Use and other agreements, or to protect the rights, property, or safety of Kayo Sports, Kayo Sports, our Content Providers, customers, website users, or others; and 
  • to any third party (whether or not covered in this Policy) with your prior consent.

Social Media

When you choose to share information with your social media account about your activities on our Services, including shows you watch or like on the Kayo Sports platform or any other aspect of our Online Services, information about you and your activities will be shared with that social network. This includes when you use a social networking login (such as Facebook Login) or when you connect your social media accounts to your log-in for any Services. We will also receive information the social network generally makes available to its partners when you connect your social media account. Please remember that anything you post publicly on a social media site is generally available to anyone for use, and please be sure to consult the privacy policies and settings on your social media accounts for information about the privacy practices of the social media provider.


We do not knowingly collect information from children who are under 13 years old. If you are a parent or guardian of a child who is 13-16 years old and using our Services, please send us an email at to opt in or request deletion of any personal information we may have collected about the child. If you are a parent or guardian of a child who is under 13 years old and using our Services, please contact us to arrange for deletion of any personal information we may have collected about the child.

Opting Out Of The Sale Of Your Personal Information


However, sometimes we share your data with Content Providers, service providers, Kayo Sports, and third party advertising networks. This sharing, which is used to provide you with certain aspects of the Online Services and/or to more effectively provide you with personalized Online Services (including advertising), may be deemed a sale under some data privacy laws.

You may opt out of the sale of your personal information by:

  • Clicking on the Do Not Sell My Personal Information button on the website hosting the content;
  • Enabling the Do Not Sell My Personal Information feature in the user settings; or
  • Calling 1-866-983-0571.

Note: Not all of these options are available across every version of the platform. If you cannot locate an option to opt out of the sale of your personal information, please contact us at

You will be asked to provide certain information to us in order to exercise the Do Not Sell option so we can verify your identity and locate your records with us.

Please note that your decision to opt out of the sharing of your personal information may impact the Online Services provided to you where such sharing is an integral part of the Service.

Your Rights and Choices

Some jurisdictions have specific legal requirements and grant specific privacy rights, and we will comply with restrictions and any requests you submit as required by the applicable law. 

When you make a request, we may require that you provide information and follow procedures so that we can verify a request you make (and determine the applicable law) before responding to it. The verification steps we take may differ depending on the applicable law and the request you make.

We will respond to your request within the time period required by the applicable law. However, we may not always be able to fully comply with your request, and we will notify you if that is the case.

Please note that your exercise of these rights is subject to certain exemptions to safeguard the public interest (e.g., the prevention or detection of crime) and our interests (e.g., the maintenance of legal privilege). We endeavor to comply with your request as soon as reasonably practicable and in compliance with all applicable laws.

  • Access and correction of your personal information: You may access the personal information we maintain about you by submitting a request to us using the contact details below.  If we grant your request, we will provide you with a copy of the personal information we maintain about you in the ordinary course of business, in a commonly used format. You may request access to correct any errors in your personal information. We may reject your request to access or correct personal information, as permitted by applicable law.  If we reject your request, we will notify you of the reason(s) for the rejection
  • Portability of your personal information: Under certain conditions, you may request that we transfer your personal information to another entity in the format in which we maintain it in the ordinary course of business. We may reject your request, as permitted by applicable law.  If we reject your request, we will notify you of the reason(s) for the rejection.
  • Deletion of personal information: You may request that we delete your personal information that we no longer have a lawful basis to use.  We may reject your request, as permitted by applicable law. For example, Kayo Sports may be required by legal other reasons to retain your personal information in its business records.  If we reject your request, we will notify you of the reason(s) for the rejection.
  • Objection to processing of personal information. Under certain conditions, you may have the right to object to our processing of personal information about you, including our use of your personal information for marketing purposes and marketing profiles. 
  • Restrict the processing of your personal information. Under certain conditions, you may have the right to require us to restrict the processing of your personal information.
  • Withdrawal of consent: If Kayo Sports relies on your consent for the processing of your personal information, we will obtain your consent at the time we collect your personal information. To the extent provided by applicable law, you may withdraw any consent previously provided to us, or object at any time on legitimate grounds, to the processing of your personal information.  We will apply these preferences going forward.  In some circumstances, withdrawing consent to our use or disclosure of your personal information will mean that Kayo Sports may no longer be able to provide you with the services.

California Privacy

Under the California Consumer Privacy Act (“CCPA”), California consumers also have the following rights:

  • Do-Not-Sell:  You may opt out of our sale(s) of your personal information, as “sale” is defined by California law. Please see above for more information.
  • Non-Discrimination:  California law prohibits discrimination against you for exercising your privacy rights.

Note: Where certain technologies rely on your data to provide the Services, the absence of that data may impact the operation of the Services.

How to Exercise Your Rights. To exercise any of the above rights, please follow the instructions below:

If you have an online account with one of our Services, you may also exercise your rights through the menu options available to you in the account settings.

Verification Process and Required Information. All requests must be verified. Some requests, including receiving a copy of your data or requests made by an agent claiming to be acting on your behalf, are subject to heightened requirements. If we cannot verify your identity based on the information provided, a request for a copy of your data shall be treated as a request for information and if we cannot verify your identity, a request to delete personal information may be treated as a request to opt-out of the sale of personal information.

Authorized Agent. You may designate an authorized agent to make a request on your behalf. An authorized agent must have written documentation of their authority to act on your behalf, such as a power of attorney. 


You may unsubscribe from receiving marketing or other commercial emails from Kayo Sports by following the instructions included in the email. However, even if you opt out of receiving such communications, we retain the right to send you non-marketing communications (such as information about changes to our Privacy Policy or Terms of Use).

We may provide links to other websites, services, and applications that are not operated or controlled by Kayo Sports (the “Third Party Services”). This Privacy Policy does not apply to the Third Party Services. While we attempt to facilitate access only to those Third Party Services that share our respect for your privacy, we cannot take responsibility for the content, privacy policies, or practices of those Third Party Services. We encourage you to review and understand the privacy practices of any Third Party Services before providing any information to or through them. Your interactions with any of those services are governed by the privacy policy of the third party that provides the service.

Storage and Transmission

We primarily store your data in the United States and the United Kingdom. However, we reserve the right to transfer your personal information to countries other than the country in which you initially provided the information for the purposes described in this Privacy Policy. The countries to which we transfer personal information may not have the same data protection laws as the country in which you initially provided the information.

How We Protect Information

Kayo Sports maintains administrative, technical and physical safeguards designed to protect the personal information we maintain against accidental, unlawful or unauthorized destruction, loss, alteration, access, disclosure or use.

Despite such efforts, however, please note that no company, including Kayo Sports, can fully eliminate risks or guarantee the security of personal information. Unauthorized entry or use, hardware or software failure, and other factors may compromise the security of information about you at any time, and we bear no liability for uses or disclosures of personal information or other data arising in connection with theft of the information or other malicious actions.

Data Retention

Our retention periods for personal information are based on business needs and legal requirements. We retain personal information for as long as is necessary for the processing purpose(s) for which the data was collected, and any other permissible, related purpose. When we no longer need the personal information we collect, we either anonymize the information (in which case, we may further retain and use the anonymized information) or securely destroy the information.

Changes to Our Privacy Policy

We may at any time in our sole discretion revise or update this Privacy Policy. We will post any changes on this page and indicate at the top of this page the date this Privacy Policy was last revised. You may read a current, effective copy of this Privacy Policy at any time by visiting this page. We will also notify you of any material changes either through a pop-up notice, email or through other reasonable means.

Contact Us

If you have any questions, requests or complaints regarding this Privacy Policy, please contact us at